The Benefits of Using Personalized Teacher Stamps
A teacher stamp is a device for impressing a mark, text, or pattern, by using ink or an engraved block. It is a very useful tool if you want to write the same thought or comment multiple times and can even be personalized as per your unique requirement.
Stamps meant to be used for teachers are basically intended to support not only marking for teachers but also enhance learning as well as the verbal and written feedback given to students. Teacher stamps can be greatly beneficial for children and teachers when used effectively.
Have a look at some great benefits of teacher stamps for feedback:
- Reduces marking time
Using teacher stamps can hugely reduce teachers’ marking time, as well as helps to motivate and encourage children. The teacher stamps can offer a structure for marking and can even ensure a clear system to mark feedback in line with the school marking policies.
While saving 30 seconds of writing time each book might not appear a huge amount, once it is multiplied over subjects and class a primary teacher has on an average 30 books each subject and 4 subjects each day to mark. In a single day alone, the teacher stamps can save 15 minutes per subject being marked and 1 hour over the day. Therefore, stamps can be used to benefit the prime stakeholders for marking systems, i.e. teachers and children.
- Familiarizes children with expectations
All children whether grownups or young enjoy seeing stamps on their work presentations and the interaction and color it offers. The stamp’s structure can be one that children are quite familiar with, thus ensuring that the system is effective for giving feedback. The familiarity with the targets and stamps they relate to would hopefully lead to those kinds of stamps as well as best practices being searched for and included within the work.
This can even support the future learning of children as they become more and more familiar with their expectations from lessons and therefore, can make progress and feel proudly successful too.
- It motivates students
In a world where most children are pretty familiar with the idea of instant gratification and “likes”, this reward system can be customized for children in a class to motivate and encourage their learning. Such instant gratification offers a positive experience for an emotional section of their brain. And so, stamps can support children to feel emotionally positive on getting feedback from teachers stamps.
- A recognizable positive reward for children
Teacher stamps offer an easily recognizable positive reward system for children that is not only cost-effective but even supports their learning and work. Once these customized stamps have been bought, they can be used any number of times and you just need the ink for stamps to be re-used or replaced again.
If you are looking for high-quality personalized teacher stamps in Australia, Dial A Stamp can help you design and manufacture them. These stamps will include your personal details and personal logo. You can even order online or contact their friendly team for any further information and assistance.